Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Dubai's Environment

The Middle East is generally among poorer nations, but they do sell a lot of oil.  Dubia is one of the lucky to see a lot of the wealth generated by what the Middle East has to offer. They are extremely rich and expansive.  This leads to problems environmentally as we've seen in history.
DUBAI — Dubai’s skyline is the most sparkling in the Middle East. But down on the ground, the environmental problems of a quickly erected city built on sand look a lot less alluring.

Dubai has expanded so rapidly, due to their resources, that any sort of feedback from the environment was not in mind.  They built so fast they didn't account for it, and in an area of the world where there is not as much recognition towards the environment.  That's not to say that Dubai, a city so immense and expensive that it more than holds its own when compared to an industrialized nation, isn't aware to these problems.  However, several issues put Dubai in a situation where the environment is being threatened.  Many numbers are scary to look at because problems were building up as they built more and more.  Now they are forced to deal with tons of sewage and waste.  They are aware of the environmental issues they now face such as sewage going into the gulf and a problem with clean water.  The region they are in isn't as developed as nations that have gone through what they are going through.  They now are adopting western environmental policies.  They progressed quickly economically and they have no intent of repeating what others did, now that solutions have been made in industrailzed nations.

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