Thursday, October 14, 2010

China's Population a Burden on Tradition

China is well known for its silk production.  The country is so crowded though that those in rural areas are tempted to leave for urban centers. 

There was a time when clean water, mulberry trees and tiny, squirming, milky-white larvae made this village one of the most famous in all of China.

China's tradition is being lost as it becomes over crowded.  One would think that the silk industry, which is traditional, wouldn't be lost and that silk is always wanted.  So why are people leaving a stable job for the urban centers.  Simply, China is crowded, and becoming more crowded.  Also, the world is seeking out these people in rural China.  They now know what lies in the cities, and they are leaving traditions behind.  It is sad for Chinese tradition which could become lost, and also a sign of China's overwhelming population.

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