Thursday, October 14, 2010

Hungarian Waste Spill

The CEO of the Hungarian company that is responsible for the toxic spill in Hungary claims it is not their fault. They do have obligations, however.

The CEO of the Hungarian company behind a huge toxic spill on Thursday said he doesn't know whether he's responsible for the disaster, but added, "I have moral duties and I will fulfill them."
The disaster in Hungary is terrible, and it could get a whole lot worse if it spreads.  There isn't enough being brought up about this.  It's about time people start viewing the environment with more understanding.  The spill can wipe out species and destroy the ecosystem due to its toxic components.  Fortunatley, although the CEO and the manager claim it isn't there fault like most people would, they are still helping to clean up the sludge.  I think it's a perfect way to gain environmentally friendly momentum everywhere, but most people are so narrow-minded that it might take more human deaths to do that.  Something this bad should be recognized by everybody today as a major ecological disaster.  It now has reached the river of Danube but without much effect yet.  There is a fast response to the problem and no certain outcomes as they race to stop the sludge which could still potentially devastate more regions.


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