Thursday, November 18, 2010

Obama Still Fighting For Peace

Obama isn't letting down on his figure of peace as he pushes for nuclear reform with Russia.

WASHINGTONPresident Obama escalated the pressure on the Senate on Thursday to approve a new arms control treaty with Russia before the end of the year, saying, “This is not a matter that can be delayed.” But a new survey of Republican senators cast doubt on his chances of success.
Obama is pushing for the New Start treaty.  However, he may be over-zealous because the treaty isn't fully explored and analyzed, which is the reason even Jon Kyl, a negotiatior on the treaty, is hesitant.  Others aren't promoting the treaty either.  Yet Obama wants to go with the treaty and start making peace in the world.  Maybe this is the reason he won the noble prize, although he didn't think he deserved it.  Obama's promises were extensive, and he can't do all the things at once, but this aspect of his campaign is now coming to life.  Maybe the unseen changes just take time, which would be a reasonable assumption when considering the much needed reforms.  However, this treaty may not be a priority due to the little support it has.

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