Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Obama and the State of the Voters

Obama's approval ratings are slipping.  The voters are upset with reason, but it also seems that they are misguided in decision making.  Hopefully for Obama, things will look bright.

Critical parts of the coalition that delivered President Obama to the White House in 2008 and gave Democrats control of Congress in 2006 are switching their allegiance to the Republicans in the final phase of the midterm Congressional elections, according to the latest New York Times/CBS News poll.
Obama's change ideas were not supposed to happen so soon.  He is changing things, but to the people's distress the change isn't happening now.  The public seems too upset over this.  Who could expect unemployment to go down, our economy to rise and our political place in the world to be restored in just two years.  Obama has been changing but it takes time, and people seem too ignorant to recognize that.  Despite what may be happening, the voters are still mad and a majority now say they will vote for republicans.  The public is not consistent as many unchanged aspects of voting are flip-flopping; such as women now perfer repupblicans in general.  It's all confusing and frustrating because it seems like people are too stupid to understand what really needs to get done.

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