Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Iran's Nuclear Agreements

Iran's threat as a nuclear power is a very scary one to Europe and America.  No one wants them to have a bomb, especially when they don't have as much control and extremists in their country as many others.

WASHINGTON — The Obama administration and its European allies are preparing a new offer for negotiations with Iran on its nuclear program, senior administration officials say, but the conditions on Tehran would be even more onerous than a deal that the country’s supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, rejected last year.
Iran having a nuclear weapon is frightening.  There are so many conditions where that could end poorly.  America and Europe have been working on an agreement with Iran to reduce how much uranium they get.  Right now the whole situation has many views.  Iran can wait it out then create bombs, but it puts a strain on themselves because of their connection with Europe.  Agreements have progressed but they are at a halt.  It seems like something can really be done but people are on the brink for negotiations.  America believes we have plenty of time to wait it out and hold negotiations.  Only time will tell but it seems like everyone is biting the bullet and waiting to see what comes out of negotiations.  Either Iran will create bombs slowly but surely, or the program will be reduced to something that can't produce bombs.

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