Thursday, September 2, 2010

U.N. advancements assessing climate change slowing

Not only does the U.S. need to be on board with dealing with the climate, but other big countries need to be too.  The U.N. is a crucial part in world connections, and it needs to set its goals straight.

"The United Nations needs to revise the way it manages its assessments of climate change, with the scientists involved more open to alternative views, more transparent about possible conflicts of interest and more careful to avoid making policy prescriptions, an independent review panel said Monday. "

Yet again climate change is one of the most prominent things in the world, and out of all the things, it's probably one of the most important to be on track with.  It's basic, more evidence is given about how dire the situation is, and how we need to assess the problem and fix it.  If the U.N. is not focusing on the issue, and is deviating from a course of action, the result could lead to the point of no return.  In all respect everyone with common sense knows that the world's in trouble.  Any little problem in the scientific community that could make others believe that one insignificant piece of data isn't real, it is chastised beyond belief.  Climate change is urgent, and it should be dealt with now, but anytime people think there's something wrong with the current view on the climate, we take a step back and think we can wait.  In my opinion, and dramatization the scientific community brings up should be a boost in our morale, giving us one more edge to fixing the state we are in.

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