Wednesday, September 22, 2010

China and Japan fight over resources

It seems the world really is becoming flat as China and Japan dispute their claims of land between themselves.

"(CNN) -- The husk of a dead volcano protruding from the East China Sea has become the battleground between the two mightiest economies in Asia."

China and Japan are fighting over a set of small islands that have economic potential.  They both think they have rights to what is there.  Its a sure sign of a flatter world as the two greatest powers in Asia fight over the territory between them.  They have both cut some ecnomic ties making the argument very tense.  They're both very crowded countries, so intern they need more resources.  Being in a crowded world is one result of the fight.  However, the world is becoming flatter, and faster.  As both nations rise in standard of living they have fought more intensely for this plot of land.  The dispute has been going on since the 1990's and it's heating up again.

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