Thursday, September 9, 2010

Florida Pastor claims he will not burn the Koran

The Pastor from Florida was giving everybody a scare, not just in America, but to our troops.  After much protest he says he will not be burning the Koran.  That's the best news he could have given, however, he still wants to do something to make a statement.

"Terry Jones, the Florida pastor who set the world on edge with plans to burn copies of the Koran on Sept. 11, said Thursday that he had canceled his demonstration."
Many had protested against Terry Jones.  He was not convinced by anyone however.  He said he would not burn the Koran if the mosque at Ground Zero was not built.  This seems to be his big idea now, and although he won't burn the Koran now, he still has no reason to not, because the mosque idea has not been accepted yet.  Mr. Jones is now making another problem by wanting the mosque to move because he's still making America look intolerant.  Maybe Muslims will be upset at the mosque situation too.  Granted that burning a Koran is much worse but we are still conveying the message he wants if we go along with this.  Hopefully we can suppress his radicalism, and not do a trade with this tiny voice in all of America.  Unfortunatley this doesn't look like it will pass over, there's still a way to go before we will show the world that we are open, or stupid and intolerant.

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