Thursday, September 2, 2010

More oil rig issues in the Gulf

After the spill in the gulf recently the last thing anyone wants to hear is that there is more. Oil rigs are obviously pumping oil, for later use, which will lead to the world getting more hot. This time it is just a malfunction, however, with trends of disasters happening, the best thing to do now is to simply stop.

"The Coast Guard initially reported an oil sheen a mile long and 100 feet wide had begun to spread from the site of the fire, about 200 miles west of the site of BP's massive spill. But officials said at a Thursday afternoon news conference that boats at the platform have not seen any oil sheen."

Yes, there is probably nothing harming the wild life, but more important to us is we are still able to use the rig. There is an oppurtunity at hand, if oil is proving to be more of a problem for the U.S. and the world, now would be the best time to switch to "code green". We could drop the off shore drilling, which probably ends up being a bigger problem, than taking the time to build green energy. It's clear that we want to fix the economy, and not have to worry about these fossil fuels. There would be a time where we might have to give a little extra, but when we are all hurting from the economy already, it's the best time to do it.

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