Wednesday, September 22, 2010

India embarrassed about the Commonwealth Games

The Commonwealth Games are athletic competitions.  India is due to hold them, but they cannot seem to put together the facilities in time; showing a hole in their economic might.

"NEW DELHI — Skepticism about India’s preparedness for the Commonwealth Games deepened Tuesday after a partly constructed footbridge collapsed outside the main arena for competition, injuring dozens."

India has exploded in industry and has a rising middle class.  Recently they have been preparing for the Commonwealth Games where athletes will meet to compete.  However, they have been crippled due to the collapse of one of their buildings, which led to inuries. It set them back considerably, along with the slow progress they were already making.  They might not even make the dead-line for completing the project.  The whole project they are taking on could be completed by other economic giants like China, who have already hosted the Olympics with integrity.  India could be viewed as lacking the capacity to take on an international event.  It could go to show that they aren't quite the force that we thought they were as they were booming.

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