Thursday, September 23, 2010

Global Warming a scam?

There is still a debate about whether or not Global Warming is real.  It has been scientifically proven and any denial is simply as "dumb as we wanna be."  At this point there could be any number of reasons for not believing Global Warming.  They could range from re-elction to keeping a polluting industry running.  In the end it's absolutely ridiculous to not believe the effects that are happening now and that will be happening.  These people sound idiotic and it's the pinnacle of American ignorance.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

China and Japan fight over resources

It seems the world really is becoming flat as China and Japan dispute their claims of land between themselves.

"(CNN) -- The husk of a dead volcano protruding from the East China Sea has become the battleground between the two mightiest economies in Asia."

China and Japan are fighting over a set of small islands that have economic potential.  They both think they have rights to what is there.  Its a sure sign of a flatter world as the two greatest powers in Asia fight over the territory between them.  They have both cut some ecnomic ties making the argument very tense.  They're both very crowded countries, so intern they need more resources.  Being in a crowded world is one result of the fight.  However, the world is becoming flatter, and faster.  As both nations rise in standard of living they have fought more intensely for this plot of land.  The dispute has been going on since the 1990's and it's heating up again.

India embarrassed about the Commonwealth Games

The Commonwealth Games are athletic competitions.  India is due to hold them, but they cannot seem to put together the facilities in time; showing a hole in their economic might.

"NEW DELHI — Skepticism about India’s preparedness for the Commonwealth Games deepened Tuesday after a partly constructed footbridge collapsed outside the main arena for competition, injuring dozens."

India has exploded in industry and has a rising middle class.  Recently they have been preparing for the Commonwealth Games where athletes will meet to compete.  However, they have been crippled due to the collapse of one of their buildings, which led to inuries. It set them back considerably, along with the slow progress they were already making.  They might not even make the dead-line for completing the project.  The whole project they are taking on could be completed by other economic giants like China, who have already hosted the Olympics with integrity.  India could be viewed as lacking the capacity to take on an international event.  It could go to show that they aren't quite the force that we thought they were as they were booming.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Cows are a contributor to green house gases?

Cows produce methane in large quantities, making them a large factor in our emissions.  The U.S. raises many cows, and they add up to a lot of green house gases.  There is also a new food for cows that could reduce this effect.

"Methane is a significant green house gas that can lead to global warming. It is also commonly produced by many animals including humans and cattle. Cow belches, a major source of greenhouse gases, could be decreased by an unusual feed supplement developed by a Penn State dairy scientist."

Cows are definitley a problem for our green house emissions.  In America we have enormous amounts of cows too.  If we want to be proactive we should start fixing this.  That doesn't mean all cows should die, or we should change our ways entirely.  We should probably eat less beef in the long run which would reduce our emissions by a little.  But, according to Alexander Hristov, a new feed for the cows could reduce their methane levels by 40 percent, which would be a significant step in reductions on the national scale.  We need to find other energy sources, but right now, under this category of green house emissions, it seems to be a good idea.  Scientists understand this problem, and they can already take steps to solve it.  The food also can increase milk production, which would allow us to use even less cows.  It's a win, win, win.  We reduce green house gases, reduce our bulk of cows, and it will end up being beneficial for our agricultural economy because we won't need to sustain more cows.

Florida Pastor claims he will not burn the Koran

The Pastor from Florida was giving everybody a scare, not just in America, but to our troops.  After much protest he says he will not be burning the Koran.  That's the best news he could have given, however, he still wants to do something to make a statement.

"Terry Jones, the Florida pastor who set the world on edge with plans to burn copies of the Koran on Sept. 11, said Thursday that he had canceled his demonstration."
Many had protested against Terry Jones.  He was not convinced by anyone however.  He said he would not burn the Koran if the mosque at Ground Zero was not built.  This seems to be his big idea now, and although he won't burn the Koran now, he still has no reason to not, because the mosque idea has not been accepted yet.  Mr. Jones is now making another problem by wanting the mosque to move because he's still making America look intolerant.  Maybe Muslims will be upset at the mosque situation too.  Granted that burning a Koran is much worse but we are still conveying the message he wants if we go along with this.  Hopefully we can suppress his radicalism, and not do a trade with this tiny voice in all of America.  Unfortunatley this doesn't look like it will pass over, there's still a way to go before we will show the world that we are open, or stupid and intolerant.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

More oil rig issues in the Gulf

After the spill in the gulf recently the last thing anyone wants to hear is that there is more. Oil rigs are obviously pumping oil, for later use, which will lead to the world getting more hot. This time it is just a malfunction, however, with trends of disasters happening, the best thing to do now is to simply stop.

"The Coast Guard initially reported an oil sheen a mile long and 100 feet wide had begun to spread from the site of the fire, about 200 miles west of the site of BP's massive spill. But officials said at a Thursday afternoon news conference that boats at the platform have not seen any oil sheen."

Yes, there is probably nothing harming the wild life, but more important to us is we are still able to use the rig. There is an oppurtunity at hand, if oil is proving to be more of a problem for the U.S. and the world, now would be the best time to switch to "code green". We could drop the off shore drilling, which probably ends up being a bigger problem, than taking the time to build green energy. It's clear that we want to fix the economy, and not have to worry about these fossil fuels. There would be a time where we might have to give a little extra, but when we are all hurting from the economy already, it's the best time to do it.

U.N. advancements assessing climate change slowing

Not only does the U.S. need to be on board with dealing with the climate, but other big countries need to be too.  The U.N. is a crucial part in world connections, and it needs to set its goals straight.

"The United Nations needs to revise the way it manages its assessments of climate change, with the scientists involved more open to alternative views, more transparent about possible conflicts of interest and more careful to avoid making policy prescriptions, an independent review panel said Monday. "

Yet again climate change is one of the most prominent things in the world, and out of all the things, it's probably one of the most important to be on track with.  It's basic, more evidence is given about how dire the situation is, and how we need to assess the problem and fix it.  If the U.N. is not focusing on the issue, and is deviating from a course of action, the result could lead to the point of no return.  In all respect everyone with common sense knows that the world's in trouble.  Any little problem in the scientific community that could make others believe that one insignificant piece of data isn't real, it is chastised beyond belief.  Climate change is urgent, and it should be dealt with now, but anytime people think there's something wrong with the current view on the climate, we take a step back and think we can wait.  In my opinion, and dramatization the scientific community brings up should be a boost in our morale, giving us one more edge to fixing the state we are in.

Hurricane Earl

Relating to the world becoming "hot", Hurricane Earl is a good example.
The hurricane could be a disaster as it picks up speed,

"Federal weather officials urged residents along the Atlantic coast to take caution and prepare to possibly evacuate their homes this weekend as a powerful Category 4 hurricane was expected to brush the North Carolina and New England seaboards."

The hurricane was a category 2, however, in little to no time, in terms of a hurricane, Hurricane Earl has become a category 4.  Hurricane formations occurr due to high and low temperatures, which is what global warming is producing.  It's alarming as the "hot" aspect of Friedman's book becomes more pressing.  In my relatively short life time there has always been this increase and decrease in temperature, but even I've noticed change over time.