Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Roe V. Wade

Jane Roe, a pregnant woman wanted an abortion, but the state wouldn't allow her.  She brought it to the Supreme Court on the account that denying an abortion is against the 14th amendment.  The Supreme Court decided to side with Roe.  They legalized abortions in the first two trimesters. 
I agree with the decision made.  It's a sticky issue, but if someone decided that they can't care for a child, they should be able to decide if they have to care for the child.  It's up to the childbearer in the end, and in many cases the child may be born into an unwanted situation, or the women didn't mean to have the child anyway.  Since the fetus can't feel or think, it should be up to the woman.

Today, there is great controversy over the decision made. Many people are still upset that women have this oppurtunity. It is an outcome that has not been forgotten and been fully accepted. It will take time for this issue to settle, but as long as there are strict conservatives, it will be a topic of controversy that could be addressed again.

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