Saturday, April 9, 2011

Do Animals Think Like Humans?

Animals are being given more and more credit as scientists find how intelligent they really are.  Obviously they are no where near as complex in thought processes as humans are, however, they continue to surprise us as they demonstrate basic abilities that were once considered only existent in humans.
“in all mammals, there's a limbic system and the amygdala” — central brain areas associated with feelings like pain and hunger, memory and the emotions.Footnote 23 Thus, “every animal is hard-wired to have an emotional life,”
As technology becomes greater, new scientific facts are revealed about the intelligence of animals.  Their brains work the same way humans do, after all we are all animals.  Human's have many differences that allow greater mental capacity, however.  This should be enough to argue on the side of animals, that we shouldn't be harming them because they can analyze what is happening.  They have greater mental power than we once thought.  This effects how we think of animals, not in the typical house, but on farms or in labs.  We needs to acknowledge this as we use them, or even try to help them.  At a place like ARF these emotions are addressed, but, everyone needs to know that their animals need attention in order to help them fulfill their rights.

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