Saturday, April 9, 2011

Is Hunting for Sport Moral?

Hunters have been attacked by animal rights activists recently.  Their argument was clear - no one should kill an animal for the fun of it.  It's a simple concept.  The hunters argued that they are maintaining the population.  Even if hunters win they could lose something, as population are declining siginifcantly.
Hunters are a less noticeable part of animal cruelty because hunting is more accepted, along with animal farms.  However, hunting for sport is a different thing.  It causes unnecessary harm to an animal, only to benefit a human.  That has been the argument for animal rights and animal cruelty all along. Humans should not harm animals for their benefit.  These animals aren't owned, however, so there is a problem in assessing the situation.  Hunting for sport is hard to peg for much other than disrupting the environment.  No one owns the animals and it's legal.  It's still clear that many animals are harmed and have to suffer which is inhumane.  There is controversy over this debate and for a change it seems like the hunters have valid points.  Still, it's important for everyone to know that animals get killed for no purpose.

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