Sunday, April 24, 2011

Gideon v. Wainwright

Gideon was convicted of burglary, and was sentenced to jail.  From jail, he sent a petition to the Supreme Court for an appeal.  The appeal was that he was not given a counsel and it went against the Sixth Amendment.  He could not have a fair trial without a lawyer to support him in the court.  Justice Black knew that in court, it can only be fair if the convicted has a lawyer.  Gideon was then given another lawyer in a retrial.
      Gideon won appropriately, considering it is against the law to not have a lawyer present.  I agree with the Court, since they assured that everyone deserves a fair trial, and the only way to have that is to have a lawyer, at least provided by the state. 

Everyone agrees with the ruling from the court, because it's impossible to have a fair trial without a lawyer.  The Supreme Court made sure that even the poorest had the right to a counsel.  This outcome has next to no controversy.

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