Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Situation on the Ground in Libya

After the the allied air strikes in Libya, the no fly zone is enforced from the west east coast.  What does this mean for both the Rebels and Gadhafi's ground forces.

Coalition airstrikes brought a day of respite for residents of the besieged rebel-held city of Misrata Wednesday, but Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi showed no signs of backing off attacks on civilians.
Gadhafi is still attacking citizens, however, he is without any air power.  The allies are continuing to bomb the supplies on the ground, now that the no fly zone is in place.   The rebels have the ability to gain momentum, now that the playing field has been leveled.  They still are just rebels, without the armor the army has,but the allies didn't stop with aircraft.  Now that they have considerable support, what will the allies end game be.  They bombed anti aircraft sites, but they didn't stop there, now they must pursue helping the rebels on the ground until they're done.  It's a tough situation to analyze, but the most the US can do is support the troops.  The last thing Obama should consider is, helping install new laws in Libya,;the US simply doesn't have the money or position in the world to do that.

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