Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Protesters in Wisconsin Stand Strong

Protesters have been converging on the Capitol in Madison, Wisconsin, since mid-February to protest the governor’s budget bill. Their voices are angry, energetic, accusatory. 
Democrats have supported them, but the republicans aren't having any of it.

It seems have been a long time since the protesters started.  However, the issue at hand is well worth the fight.  The budget bill that threatens the workers wages, is effecting some of the most sustainable jobs in the near future.  The length of time the outcry has been going on seems almost unbearable.  Many of the protesters are simply too tired.  They still are fighting what seems to be a massive battle that will tear apart Wisconsin into two huge sides.  The government isn't budging, making this protest not a short lived one.  It could be a very long time until we see any results.  The Democrats absence seems to be an important factor and perhaps until the republicans get them back, they won't want to make any sort of agreement.

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