Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Geese Euthanized in New York City

Over a thousand Canadian Geese were euthanized in New York, due to a hazard they pose. 
In an effort to control the city's goose population and improve aviation safety, authorities slaughtered 1,676 Canada geese across New York last summer, according to a recent U.S. Department of Agriculture report.
As far as America has progressed in terms of setting laws, and addressing animal cruelty, there are still problems.  The people are the main issue, as they are typically the ones committing the crimes.  The government on the other hand is the savior that has set many rules prohibiting animal cruelty.  However, the government simply failed here.  Slaughtering geese because they pose a hazard to air craft is not a vaild excuse.  It's obvious there needs to be some sort of education to inform people that killing innocent animals is wrong, because to people, the presenence of animals is sometimes just an obstacle, rather than something they need to address for long term coexistence with them.  There are so many different ways to deal with animals.  Relocating is the first thing that comes to mind, and for some reason, adults need some sort of advanced education in order to understand the options they have.  Animals are relocating all the time to similar environments.  If they have enough money to collect and euthanize that many birds, they have enough money to collect and relocate the birds.  There are always valid options when it comes to dealing with a hazardous animal in urban regions; people need to put more thought into their approach to subjects like this.

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