Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Animal Cruelty and the Economy

Since the economic melt down, not only America but the world has been suffering.  It's the same story for animals.  Many owners vent their anger out on their pets or livestock; it's the bottom of the bottom for some.  Others have to dreadfully turn in their animals with the realization they can't afford to own them. 

Should animals pay the price because humans can't control an imaginary force?  It doesn't seem logical but it's the reality.  There has been a rise in the amount of animal cruelty cases since the economic decline.  The results vary, but it's difficult to see animals in pain because their owners are frustrated.  The amount of animals that go into shelters causes a different problem for the economy.  We spend more money than we should, sheltering animals that are going to be euthanized.  It isn't practical, but due to the compilement of human faults, and the overbreeding of animals, we must spend money to euthanize extra animals.  They are like a cattle that is constantly replenished, and if one were to look at it as money rather than life, they too would understand the situation, in less humane way.

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