Sunday, May 1, 2011

CNN on Obama's Annual Dinner

CNN covered Obama's comical speech at the White House.  CNN did a good job of ignoring some facts and appeasing the pop culture by saying who attended.  In doing so they detracted from informing the public about what happened.  They did not show any biased opinions, which is impressive considering the tense political war going right now.  They also did do some overviews of what happened, however, then only went over the basics of what Obama said.  It was a simple speech but there could have been more analyasis on what Obama was trying to express.  Thankfully, besides from appeasing the culture, CNN did support the public by giving them honest reporting on a casual matter.  The most important thing is that they did not show any biased at such a curcial time.  It helps the public in the end relax and not thing that there is only hatred in DC.

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