Sunday, May 1, 2011

Bush's censorship of the Media

After the 9/11 attack, Bush immediately put many censorships on the media, and retracted many democratic rights of the people.
Bush press secretary Ari Fleischer gave the signal with his well-publicized declaration that Americans should “watch what they say” about US military, intelligence and police operations. 
 Bush forced the media to not allow any opponents to speak out against him and his actions as he took away certain rights.  Much of the nation was under watch, and the Media could not report on it.  As a result of many bills the government was searching for any terroist activities, and the media could not report on it.  They were also acting out against terroism abroad.  The censorship has a reasonable use because there could have been terroists who wouldn't have been caught if they knew they were being hunted.  However, for the most part, Bush should not have done this.  Most people aren't terroists, and they have a right to not be seen.  The most important reason that the media should have been able to report is because, protesters were considered terroists at this time, and they didn't know it.  They should have been informed that that liberty had partially been taken away as the government saw it as an act against them, in some cases.

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