Thursday, February 24, 2011

Universal Health Care

There must be something done about Health Care in America.  Our current state is eating up all of the government's funds, as well as the people's; we are far behind in the world, regarding health, many people can't even reach treatment for problems, and we are the only industrialized nation without universal health care.  It is very easy to say, I am democratic on this issue.  We need health care.  That statement alone makes me a democrat, since most democrats know we need it, and most republicans are fighting it.  There is a clear stance on this problem, and there's no in between.  We need it, and the Democrats have it right.   The debate now is, should we have it?, at least for the rest of America.  We can assume that the health care we would recieve, is equal to that in Europe, since we can still change it to fit appropriate goals.  Republicans are all about saving the people money, but what is wrong with them?  People are losing money with the health care they have.  Again, the Democrats know what's up.  This is as big of a necessity as a federal bank.  We are losing money that we need in other places.  Republicans must have tunnel vision again, because they can't into the future; with a little investment now, we will be better off. Democrats are acknowledging the crisis we're in.  They are explaining the values of universal health care everwhere.  There isn't much more to discuss in terms of what needs to be done.  The arguement against Republicans and for Democrats has been made.  Simply saying, no, is clearly not an option for the Republicans, and with facts like this, all they can do is agree and help revise the final draft.

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