Wednesday, February 16, 2011


America is getting better about how it treats animals.  25% of all dogs and cats were euthanized each year during the 1970's.  We've come a long way, however, the current rates are still unacceptable.  There are many ways to help, and the form of help im participating in, is the most basic.  I go to ARF which isn't a real shelter.  They house and adopt animals from the real shelters that will euthanize them.  ARF has much better conditions for animals, that are desireable, but it can only house so many animals.  My job is to interact with these animals in any way to make them feel better.  All of the animals had dramatic pasts and need attention to become more friendly and happy.  They lived depressing lives and unfortunatley some just don't have it in them to cooperate and be a legible canidate for adoption.  ARF won't even let the least obedient, the most sick, or the oldest cat or dog suffer or be put down.  There are other volunteer possibilites that require much more depth, in order to help animals.  The Humane society covers a much more wide variety of oppurtunties.

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