Thursday, February 24, 2011

California on Animal Cruelty Laws

Although America as a whole has been reviewed on its stance of Animal rights, California should be isolated.  Since it is such a progressive state with many accomplishments, focusing on how we treat animals here can be eye-opening.  California has some strict rules when it comes to Animal Cruelty.  The government fines the abusers heavily.  However, is this so progressive state lacking in some ways?  The two cases presented in the article prove that we have some of the worst cases of cruelty.  Other states have more refined laws that punish the criminal even harder.  California's animal pounds are also filling up, and there is hardly any place left to go.  People are abusing animals in California at alarming rates, and some cases are brutal.  Laws don't mean anything when a person is alone with a helpless animal.  It's always after-the-fact that we can find what has happened.  California, and other states need to step up their role in making animal cruelty something that is shunned upon by society.  My state needs to be a leader in this cause, like many other things.

Laws Against Animal Cruelty

America is pretty far, regarding how we treat animals; considering it was just recently that we passed rights that effect the fundamentals of natural laws for Women and African Americans.  Animal rights are wide spread in America, and there are serious results for abusing an animal.  We aren't in the stone age when it comes to animal rights.  Many states have very specific laws that help to protect animals and punish thoughs who abuse them.  Unfortunately, this doesn't mean that animals are free of human harm.  Women and African American's are free of any abuse, concerning their natural rights.  However, humans can still get away with abusing the natural rights of animals.  State laws that punish people for doing such crimes are giving the voice to the animal, which is pretty big.  If the rights that we have just recently given to humans was ground-breaking, then giving a voice to animals can be considered a respectable accomplishment of America, too.

Universal Health Care

There must be something done about Health Care in America.  Our current state is eating up all of the government's funds, as well as the people's; we are far behind in the world, regarding health, many people can't even reach treatment for problems, and we are the only industrialized nation without universal health care.  It is very easy to say, I am democratic on this issue.  We need health care.  That statement alone makes me a democrat, since most democrats know we need it, and most republicans are fighting it.  There is a clear stance on this problem, and there's no in between.  We need it, and the Democrats have it right.   The debate now is, should we have it?, at least for the rest of America.  We can assume that the health care we would recieve, is equal to that in Europe, since we can still change it to fit appropriate goals.  Republicans are all about saving the people money, but what is wrong with them?  People are losing money with the health care they have.  Again, the Democrats know what's up.  This is as big of a necessity as a federal bank.  We are losing money that we need in other places.  Republicans must have tunnel vision again, because they can't into the future; with a little investment now, we will be better off. Democrats are acknowledging the crisis we're in.  They are explaining the values of universal health care everwhere.  There isn't much more to discuss in terms of what needs to be done.  The arguement against Republicans and for Democrats has been made.  Simply saying, no, is clearly not an option for the Republicans, and with facts like this, all they can do is agree and help revise the final draft.

Republican's Strengths and Weaknesses

The Republicans have questionable ideals, but what they excel at is being a party.  They will be split once in a while, but their ability to get things done together makes them acheive.  As a party, it's good to have debates to see what is the right way to do things, but this gets in the way of Democrats, Republicans can really focus on something and get it done, making them not necessarily the decision makers, but at least a very successful party that will win elections and get something done.  They also see themselves as the defenders of what we have which is fine.  They have America's best interest, always.  That is something everyone can agree on.  The Democrats have the people's best interest in their mind, which intern will effect America's interest.  This is where the Republicans become faulty to me.  Even though we can agree they want the best for America, they don't always help out the common person.  Also their conservative fundamentals get in the way of real progress which is dire in America.  It's almost as though their whole party is one blob that will not sway or give any remorse because they will not give up what they have and what their party stands for.  That's a problem, there isn't much they question among themselves.  There also isn't anything they question among America's conservative foundation.

Democrat's Strengths and Weaknesses

The Democrats have a lot of strengths in my view. One of the strongest aspects that unifies the Democrats is their ability to always be pro-choice.  They think people have the right to do what they want, but they have to be productive at the same time.  They don't relent on making think in new ways.  "Retired Army Gen. Wesley Clark strongly defended his Democratic credentials. “I’m pro-choice, pro-affirmative action, pro-environment and pro-labor,” he said. “I was either going to be the loneliest Republican in America or I was going to be a happy Democrat.”  This ties into another strength, which is how liberal they are.  It can mean they blame themselves too much which is an absolutely fantastic attribute to have when it comes to modern things like the environment.  We need to be blamed and take a step forward, something Obama appreciates.  Unfortunately people are so blunt-headed they can't comprehend America as a place that needs much improving.  That is why I think Democrats are so strong, it's always in need of improvement.  However, this idea often gets in their way of election.  This compounded with the Democrats natural attitude of, the workers are always right, makes them look Communist in some ways.  Sometimes they go too far, the unions can't always be right.  But, the media also labels their intentions as full blown communist which is absurd, and not true, but it's also not a bad thing.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

My Political Position

I took the quiz and ended up with a very bland result. I would agree partially with the result, but it's far from accurate.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011


America is getting better about how it treats animals.  25% of all dogs and cats were euthanized each year during the 1970's.  We've come a long way, however, the current rates are still unacceptable.  There are many ways to help, and the form of help im participating in, is the most basic.  I go to ARF which isn't a real shelter.  They house and adopt animals from the real shelters that will euthanize them.  ARF has much better conditions for animals, that are desireable, but it can only house so many animals.  My job is to interact with these animals in any way to make them feel better.  All of the animals had dramatic pasts and need attention to become more friendly and happy.  They lived depressing lives and unfortunatley some just don't have it in them to cooperate and be a legible canidate for adoption.  ARF won't even let the least obedient, the most sick, or the oldest cat or dog suffer or be put down.  There are other volunteer possibilites that require much more depth, in order to help animals.  The Humane society covers a much more wide variety of oppurtunties.

Reasons for Animal Cruelty

Animal cruelty covers a wide range of actions (or lack of action), so one blanket answer simply isn't possible.
There are different types of animal cruelty.  Some are intentional and others are not.  One of the most important things to remember is that if someone is planning on owning an animal, they should acknowledge how much time and money it requires to keep the animal happy.  This could avoid many problems.  If just about anyone wants and can obtain an animal, even if they can't care for it, it creates a demand that the suppliers will meet.  If the producers can make more offspring, it will make so many new animals that the market will not be able to care for all of them.  The result of this is many animals are put to sleep, or must live in a tiny box without any contact.  Most of us don't see what happens to these animals, but it is extremely depressing.  Even at ARF, which is quite literally a luxury apartment for an animal, it's depressing to know that they don't have a single owner or house.  Much of this can be avoided by not encouraging suppliers and breeders to make more animals.  These animals end up in the wrong hands on a massive scale.  3% of American dogs and cats are euthanized out of 135 million that have homes.  Many more are in shelters, and there are even more who are probably living in horrible conditions.

Realities of Human actions

I'm volunteering my time at ARF.  The reason ARF exists is because people who have dogs and cats keep their pets in similar conditions as the video.  ARF takes animals who are first to be killed at pounds, and rehabilitates them.  These animals live terrible lives, and I find it important to introduce the topic of animal cruelty not only because it's the reason why I first became involved in this, but because it's an ever pressing issue.  Let this be my segway into the topic of animal cruelty.