Sunday, December 12, 2010

Starting a New Business is Worth the Risk

College students find it hard to obtain a job when they graduate.  However, entrepreneurships are also an option, despite the risk involved.  It could be a better choice than applying for a job.

In October, Mr. Gerber started the Young Entrepreneur Council “to create a shift from a résumé-driven society to one where people create their own jobs,” he says. “The jobs are going to come from the entrepreneurial level.”

The Young Entrepreneur Council was formed by young people who have some sort of practice in the real world with creating a new business.  They offer their services to young people who are trying to start their own busniness.  Young adults are finding it hard to get a job, so they turn to entrepreneurship.  It can be successful, and that's why it's worth the risk to them.  These businesses tend to appeal to young people, but they also can flop easily.  On the flip side, they can boom and be extrodinarily popular.  It's interesting to see how these kids are reacting to how the economy is changing. 

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