Sunday, December 12, 2010

New Ideas to Report the News

Newspapers are dying, and the internet is surging, but only in some areas. People tend to only want to read short articles, but Instapaper is combating that.

It is clever because it plays to human psychology by helping us gather articles we want to read, but have no time to read while we are foraging.
Instapaper was created by Marco Arment.  He programmed a machine essentially to sort out what people want to read, to make it easier to find and read longer articles.  Apparently there is a demand for something like this.  Here I thought reading has died all together, but if one were to make it convinient to look up stuff on the internet, then there may be demand.  It's popular among those who want to search for online articles.  It could be the new thing for young people as well.  This is the information era, so this could be a rapidly growing business. 

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