Sunday, December 12, 2010

Bank of America in Trouble

Bank of America insists that they are doing fine, but they are the symbol of America's problems financially.
They aren't giving their customers, who are in debt, any hope.

Mr. Moynihan’s strategy has failed to convince investors, analysts, and some customers that Bank of America is headed in the right direction. The bank’s shares have fallen 18 percent during his tenure.
Mr. Moynihan has actually stabalized Bank of America, but there are still many problems.  The mortgage issue rests heavily on Bank of America; 1.3 million people under the company are not keeping up with home loans.  It's discouraging. particularly because Bank of America is the biggest bank in the US.  Many people are relying on the company to bounce back, or we could see a major panic unfold.  The business looks like it is dipping, but it is better than it looks, as the bank says.  It seems like we have past the worst of the mortgage crisis, but there is always skepticism in such an economy.

Starting a New Business is Worth the Risk

College students find it hard to obtain a job when they graduate.  However, entrepreneurships are also an option, despite the risk involved.  It could be a better choice than applying for a job.

In October, Mr. Gerber started the Young Entrepreneur Council “to create a shift from a résumé-driven society to one where people create their own jobs,” he says. “The jobs are going to come from the entrepreneurial level.”

The Young Entrepreneur Council was formed by young people who have some sort of practice in the real world with creating a new business.  They offer their services to young people who are trying to start their own busniness.  Young adults are finding it hard to get a job, so they turn to entrepreneurship.  It can be successful, and that's why it's worth the risk to them.  These businesses tend to appeal to young people, but they also can flop easily.  On the flip side, they can boom and be extrodinarily popular.  It's interesting to see how these kids are reacting to how the economy is changing. 

New Ideas to Report the News

Newspapers are dying, and the internet is surging, but only in some areas. People tend to only want to read short articles, but Instapaper is combating that.

It is clever because it plays to human psychology by helping us gather articles we want to read, but have no time to read while we are foraging.
Instapaper was created by Marco Arment.  He programmed a machine essentially to sort out what people want to read, to make it easier to find and read longer articles.  Apparently there is a demand for something like this.  Here I thought reading has died all together, but if one were to make it convinient to look up stuff on the internet, then there may be demand.  It's popular among those who want to search for online articles.  It could be the new thing for young people as well.  This is the information era, so this could be a rapidly growing business. 

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Clinton and Obama agree on deal

Clinton is extremely popular among the public, and he has long been in sync with Obama. They both restate the position they hold together. They have agreed with the republicans on tax cuts, and the administration could be going somewhere now. Hopeful Clinto will continue to be involved aswell, it seems he gets a lot done.

Washington (CNN) -- The Congressional Budget Office released its score Friday on the tax plan hammered out between Republicans and President Barack Obama, showing a $893 billion hit on the deficit over the next five years.

Mental Health Break

Interesting footage of the Taliban.